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Righteous Indignation Excuse Me While I Save the World! aa Books

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Excellent Book

Righteous Indignation Excuse Me While I Save the World! aa Books

Though his name was very familiar to me, I hadn't known much at all about Andrew Breitbart until I listened to this book. I probably avoided him because I thought he would be just another Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, etc., willing to say anything to get noticed by conservatives. He wasn't. Breitbart was a keen observer, and as I listened I found myself constantly agreeing with his conclusions, especially with regard to Hollywood and the left. it was interesting to see him study the tactics of Saul Alinsky and use them against leftists who attacked him. I wish he were still alive so I could see his commentary on the election and all that has followed. Republican leadership is selling out those who voted them in, and I would love to hear what he would say.

Product details

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher Grand Central Publishing; 28248th edition (1994)
  • Language English

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Righteous Indignation Excuse Me While I Save the World! aa Books Reviews

Refreshing, honest, truthful. Righteous Indignation more relevant today than when Andrew Breitbart wrote it. Mr. Breitbart was a true American willing to fight for everyday Americans. He is an American hero. His subtitle for this book is not hyperbole.

I would recommend this book to everyone who feels caught in the crossfire of the culture of our time. Mr. Breitbart's enthusiasm and courage in standing up for principle and against those who would destroy all that is good in America is contagious.

I gave this book 5 stars because it was highly readable, relevant and exciting page turner. I stopped 20 times to google various names and topics to get the historical references. I came away from this book better informed and engaged in the news swirling around me. Read this book!
Breitbart writes a wonderful recall on the Tea Party and his efforts against the bias of the mainstream media. We now call it, appropriately, Fake News.
Andrew changed journalism forever. Perhaps more than anyone else, he pursued journalism the way it is supposed to be. Question everything, follow through, damn the politics and political correctness. His story is very compelling. You don't have to agree with him to appreciate how he elevated investigative journalism
This was an absolutely incredible book that made you feel as if you were sitting with Andrew and discussing life events. He has been a long standing hero of mine, but from a distance. I feel as if I've visited the heart of one of the truest patriots that ever lived. I also bought the audio version, which was an incredible experience to close your eyes and listen to his story. I don't think we fully appreciate what Andrew gave this country, but he will definitely be part of history. I thank him for his service to America. Kim Opperman, President and founder of Socks for Soldiers, Inc.
Andrews was an important figure for the modern independent media that we see today.

Important not only for americans but to democracy, he inspires not only conservatives but everyone who apreciates freedom of speach.

I just love the guy!
I've known for years about this book, but for some reason I never read it - Probably because I lumped Breitbart in with the Tea Party, to which he was closely associated. I lean conservative naturally, but I'm turned off by extremism - which I view the Tea Party as being. I even found the subtitle a bit egotistical, if I'm being honest.

That all changed recently when I was looking for a book on the liberal media and the methods liberals use to tear everyone who's not with them down. Years ago I'd read Juan Williams's Muzzled - the Assault on Honest Debate. He framed a good argument after being victimized by the liberal machine, but there was virtually nothing in the way of execution. D'Souza never quite met the need - he focused more on Obama's motivations. There were a couple on my list regarding spin and media bias, but both were expensive. That's when I read the description for this book.

Long story short - this was the book I've been looking for. Part biography, part history, part story, and part strategy, Righteous Indignation really nails the tactics used by what Breitbart terms the DMC - Democratic Media Complex. Rooted in Alinskyan Rules for Radicals strategy, the DMC doesn't attempt to push back on facts, it seeks to immediately attack the veracity and integrity of whomever is providing information it doesn't like without being concerned about such pesky things such as truth or integrity itself. Example after example, Breitbart demonstrates how he learned not only what was happening, but how to fight back. While certainly no angel, there's no denying that Breitbart knows and describes how to fight back while maintaining integrity.

As always, your political leanings will determine how you feel about Breitbart and the book. But as someone upon whom Michael Moore's Farenheit 911 had the exact opposite of the intended effect - I enjoyed this book thoroughly and would recommend it to anyone who doesn't believe there's bias in the media.
I enjoyed learning about Andrew Breitbart's upbringing, critical life decisions, and transformations. Also, I was not aware that he was so involved in starting up the Huffington Post. Soon after moving on to build his big government Breitbart news network. The exciting part of the book was how James O’Keefe and Andrew took down Acorn and significantly exposed the big news networks of their liberal bias. He (RIP) and others started a movement, and I feel he would want us to continue the expansion efforts of the citizen journalist movement.
Though his name was very familiar to me, I hadn't known much at all about Andrew Breitbart until I listened to this book. I probably avoided him because I thought he would be just another Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, etc., willing to say anything to get noticed by conservatives. He wasn't. Breitbart was a keen observer, and as I listened I found myself constantly agreeing with his conclusions, especially with regard to Hollywood and the left. it was interesting to see him study the tactics of Saul Alinsky and use them against leftists who attacked him. I wish he were still alive so I could see his commentary on the election and all that has followed. Republican leadership is selling out those who voted them in, and I would love to hear what he would say.
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